K3 Short Film Awards
- K3 international Short Film Award of the City of Villach 1000 €
goes to:
"Ultima Thule" by Agata Wozniak 700 €
The jury's statement:
A short film between experiment and documentation that remains powerful while using few effects. The film explores the theme of physicality and questions
the very medium of film itself. The limits of both the actor and the director are driven to its extreme boundaries. With this first work at the School for
Film and Television Munich Agata Wozniak takes a courageous step that deserved the jury’s recognition and support.
"The Heart Is Sad"
by Milena Olip 700 €
The jury's statement: This film, about two people who have
little to say to each other after many years together, investigates one of the more prevalent ironies surrounding the concept of relationship. There is
growing interpersonal distance and at the same time intimate familiarity in the relationship of the aging couple while their only son is alienating more and
more. The words "I love you" remain unspoken. The film was able to convince the jury with its emotional depth and its overall approach that leaves much room
for own interpretations.
- K3 Audience Award of the City of Villach 500 €
goes to:
"Because There Are Things You Never Forget" by Lucas Figureoa