Presentation of "The Lifeblood"
fantasy film-series
adapted from Gustav Meyrink’s novel „Das Haus des Alchimisten" (“The House of the Alchemist”)
"The Lifeblood" is based on a collaboration between more than 20 different artists, amongst others: Stefani Rota, Mattia Pilosio, Claudio Della Negra.
In a dystopian future nearly nothing can survive in the earth’s atmosphere. Only the living city and its inhabitants –a new form of human life, stay. KEMAL, the Great Architect, succeeds to design everything to ultimate perfection. He himself then turns into the city, is venerated and respected. Nothing escapes his control. However the perfection is unnatural and a long-hidden mistake in the city’s underground troubles the perfect plan.
The first part of the project is split in the following formation phases:
Phase 1 (accomplished):
Composing the screenplay, selection of the crew
Phase 2 (accomplished):
Raising budget for production of the teaser
Phase 3 (accomplished):
Production of the teaser
Phase 4: 23th of August, 17:30, Visionario
Presentation of the project at K3 short film festival
Phase 5: 23th of August, 19:00, Visionario
Self-financing & crowd funding at K3 virtual workshop
Phase 6: Elaborated crowd funding concept
The concept will be presented on Further improvement will be accomplished by feedback throughout other participants at the webinar.
Phase 7: Crowd funding campaign starts
Phase 8: Webinar on on the first outcomes of the crowd funding-campaign
Phase 9: Production of the first out of seven sequels
Center of film for Carinthia, Friuli Venezia-Giulia and Slovenia:
"The Lifeblood" serves also for the evaluation of requirements and benefits of a collective Center of film for Carinthia, Friuli Venezia-Giulia and Slovenia: This idea is being introduced and discussed at K3 Udine for the first time. At K3 Ljubljana and K3 Villach the cross-border project will progress and first results will be presented.