K3 Festival Team 2024
FRITZ HOCK: Festival Director, Production, Film Programmer, PR, Marketing
PIERA NODARI: Artistic Director, Short Films Programmer, Cooperations, Decoration
MARINA PAVIDO: Film Selector, Social Media
KATHARINA PERSCHAK: Film Consultant, Presenter
SIMON MARTINSCHITZ: Texts, Hospitality, Guest Coordination, Website
SARA PAN: PR (Slovenia)
TANJA PLANKL: Protocol (volunteer)
ANTONIA PRILL: Social Media, Guest Coordination, Marketing Assistant
SLOBODAN ZAKULA: Film Consultant, Cooperations
ANDREAS KOHLWEG: Cinema Technician
In memory of those we have collaborated with:
Horst Dieter Sihler, Klaus Pertl, and our friend Lorenzo Marchiori.

Fritz Hock
No artist, no film-maker, no film producer
in winter: sports, in summer: too
Organizer of Open-Air Cinema, Director of an Arthouse Cinema
Founder and Director of K3 Film Festival.

Piera Nodari
I was born in Padua, Italy.
I was living in Udine.
I have studied Fine Arts in Venice.
I was an art curator.
I was a visual merchandiser. I was a creative director.
Now I’m living in Austria, and I’m running a film festival, K3.

Marina Pavido
Marina Pavido (1985) studied Screenwriting and Film Direction at the Griffith Film Academy and Film Criticism at the CSC in Rome. Author of short films, since 2013 she collaborates as a film critic with several magazines.
President of the film club La Carrozza d'Oro, in 2019 she founded the magazine Cinema Austriaco.

Katharina Perschak
Freie Filmkritikerin, Schreibcoach, Moderatorin. Hauptberuflich: Germanistin auf Abwegen.

Simon Martinschitz
Born in Villach, raised in the countryside. Between hazelnut bushes and river trouts. Studied Applied Cultural Science in Klagenfurt, Bilbao and Florence. Between Critical Theory and aperitivo. Free-lance copywriter & culture worker. Between front page and back-stage. Do-it-yourself actor and word juggler with a passion for good beer and bad jokes between which I prefer not having to choose.

Sara Pan
Sara Pan, journalist and PR coordinator for SLO, lives in Klagenfurt and maintains connections with our neighbouring country, Slovenia.

Tanja Plankl
Art & culture discoverer in Carinthia, who informs others about events and thus connects them by founding a private leisure group for art, culture, culinary, sports with +600 members. Back in Carinthia after 25 years, born in Wolfsberg, studied at FH Wiener Neustadt, business background as an international & national executive private sector in 10 different industries, NGOs, start-ups as well as part-time psychosocial counsellor & spokeswoman. Recently became CEO of the Österreichische Krebshilfe Kärnten (Austrian Cancer Aid Carinthia).

Antonia Prill
Studied Music Economics and Cultural Studies in Vienna/Tirol/Klagenfurt. Grew up in a hotel, has roots in Italy and a heart for people, stories, and music. Flexible support in social media, marketing, and guest coordination.

Slobodan Zakula
Unlimited passion for films followed by passionate discussions. Thinks and writes multilingually.
Misses video rental shops and film reels in cinemas.