Triest. Ein einsamer alter Mann erhält einen Räumungsbefehl. Entschlossen, seine Wohnung nicht zu verlassen, versteckt er sich in einem geheimen Raum zwischen den Wänden. Als eine junge Mutter mit ihrer blinden Tochter einzieht, spürt das Kind schon bald seine Anwesenheit und die beiden bauen ein gegenseitiges Vertrauen auf. Aber nicht alles ist, wie es scheint und eine lang verdrängte Wahrheit dringt an die Oberfläche.
Note on the production:
It is the first production of Tucker Film, a distribution company based in Udine that combines the forces of CEC (Udine) and Cinemazero (Pordenone). And it is a film that brings with it a breath of European air: an Italian director, beloved in the independent circuit for his horror-thrillers; a French protagonist – the legendary Pierre Richard; a Slovenian co-star–actress Iva Krajnc Bagola; and an Austrian director of photography, Peter Zeitlinger, with close ties to Werner Herzog.
Director’s statement:
THE ANGEL IN THE WALL is a game of identification between audience and protagonist. The camera stays close to him, letting his eyes become those of the viewer. Sometimes behind him and sometimes a little in front of him, we are always within the range of his perceptions, experiencing and feeling alongside him every single emotion, every surprise. Together with him we will discover the spaces he explores, and in long, uninterrupted takes penetrate the shadows of the corridors and face with him the ghosts of his past. Step by step, the spectator will become trapped in that crumbling apartment that is the setting of the entire film and of Pietro’s entire life. Walled in with him in that claustrophobic hiding place that I imagined so long ago, in the nights of my childhood.
Zur Filmrezension.