Save the Date!

PARTY! 2024

Amina Handke got her first record player at the age of 4 and started DJing in clubs at 17: first at underground clubs and squatted houses in Vienna, and later in almost every club. She’s been semi-retired for a few years now, only making very selected appearances. Her sets initially leaned heavily toward underground, industrial, and noise, later expanded to electronic elements and hip-hop. Recently, she has focused more on sixties punk, beat, groove, and obscure international cover versions.

GOGA MASON plays with light. Her performances are an emotional interpretation of music. All her visuals emerge in the moment – nothing is prearranged or pre-generated. Her hands dance, constantly searching for new visual solutions. Endoscopes, crystals, animatronics, lenses, and glitter are her tools, supported by a custom-made software: Pure Data.

7. December, 11:00 p.m. @Kulturhof:villach


Free entry admission!

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