Save the Date!

Sine Legibus 1976 – Die Gesetzlosen

AUT/SLO 2018
70 Min.
Original version (Slovenian, German) with German and English subtitles

Director, Script:
Milena Olip

Gregor Kitek

Gorazd Kernel

Sonja Wakounig

Simon Dvornik

Mica Olip, Anton Pelinka,
Matevž Grilc, Flori Jug,
Marjan Olip, Nanti Olip,
Peter Olip

The thoughts and views of 105 year-old Mica Olip brings us to the bilingual villages of southern Carinthia in the year 1976. At that time the Austrian national government executes a population census on minorities. On that basis they want to decide whether a minority is eligible for bilingual place name signs or not. The census is broadly boycotted by the Slovenian minority in Carinthia. In the small mountain village of Zell/Sele, four young men decide to carry out a special “operation”: to hijack the ballot box.

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