Nachdem der 18-jährige Andrej zu einem Aufenthalt in einem Heim für straffällig gewordene Jugendliche verurteilt wurde, versucht er mit allen Mitteln seinen Platz innerhalb der Gemeinschaft der jugendlichen Straftäter zu finden. Er wird Teil einer gewaltbereiten Clique rund um den charismatischen Anführer Željko, dem Andrej schon bald sehr nahe zu stehen glaubt. Gefährlich nahe.
The central theme revolves around the double life our protagonist Andrej is leading – how is he coping with all the expectations people have of him and what are the consequences that his actions will have on his future? He is constantly struggling to balance his personal identity, his sexuality and moral integrity with the image he is supposed to uphold by others. When pushed to the limit, such elements will come to the surface, revealing all their dangerous potential …
Director’s statement